Thursday, May 08, 2008


Welcome to the Crime Prevention website created specifically for Angelenos interested in preventing crime in our beautiful City. Please feel free to submit suggestions, ideas, webpages and links etc. If you would like to publish a guide or newsletter, please contact me via email.


Anonymous said...

Crime in LA is crazy. Where I live there are too many Gang Members. How do you prevent something like that?

Anonymous said...

You will need to get into contact with your local Police PAL. You can find it on the web. I emailed the webmaster for and he stated that he is in the process of adding the umbers and locations but it may be a while. You may want to email him to get the list or look on Google.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if the Do Follow Links work on this site or not? Please let me know

Anonymous said...

Yes. I checked my pagerank and backlinks and tis site came up as one. I commented on another article. There are also some other good sites I also noticed. was pretty good too.